I recently did a proof of concept on shutters automation by hacking the remote
control: the idea is to wire the ESP in parallel with the remote control
My remotes are Bubendorff 41677 but it should work with a lot of other remote
Home automation
I have a great Rika pellet stove, but despite all the embedded electronics, it is unable to warn me just before the pellets tank is empty. As I already have my own low-power wireless devices and home automation tools, I just added a distance sensor and designed some enclosures.
To use my dashboard, I wrote some Dashing jobs to be able to query some values from my InfluxDB database.
I recently discovered Dashing.io, which is an easy to use dashboard, which seems to fit my needs :
I am currently evaluating some solutions to build my home automation system. As a part of this system I want to monitor air quality, but, I do not have any sensor yet, so I use a public service and parse its data with Node-RED.