I recently bought a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus from iTead to use it with Home Assistant.
While it worked out of the box, the update itself was not complicated but you
have to find the right tools…
Home automation
I recently did a proof of concept on shutters automation by hacking the remote
control: the idea is to wire the ESP in parallel with the remote control
My remotes are Bubendorff 41677 but it should work with a lot of other remote
I have a great Rika pellet stove, but despite all the embedded electronics, it is unable to warn me just before the pellets tank is empty. As I already have my own low-power wireless devices and home automation tools, I just added a distance sensor and designed some enclosures.
I am currently working with BLE beacons -only iBeacons for now- with Espressif’s
libraries. The aim is to use the ESP32 as a gateway to published
detected beacons to an MQTT broker. It was surprisingly easy and I will write
something about that when the
code will be more polished.
Anyway, by curiosity and to speed up development, I wanted to try microPython port to ESP32, and I did. Unfortunately, BLE support is not yet reliable enough and a lot of advertisements were lost with 4 to 6 beacons. This post is to keep track of my work and, hopefully, use in the future when microPython port will be more reliable :-)
I finaly published them: sources of my wireless sensors are available here.