As I like to have plants at home but always forgot to water them, I bought a
cheap resistive soil moisture sensor. Actually, it is just two strips of copper
wired as a voltage divider with a 10k resistor, the IC is used as a comparator
to have a “digital” output, with a threshold set by the trimpot.
As a part of my future home automation called
NoteRF, I need some devices other than a
Raspberry Pi grabbing weather and pollution data from the internet: I designed a
PCB and throw some lines of code on it.
Currently, the devices are only sensors, but I plan to implement some actuators
later. Everything communicates wirelessly with the help of
HopeRF RFM69hw, I will write
something on the PCB and publish them as soon as I have the time to do some
minor corrections to the Eagle files.
I am currently evaluating some solutions to build my
home automation system. As a part of this
system I want to monitor air quality, but, I do not have any sensor yet, so I
use a public service and parse its data with Node-RED.