To use my dashboard, I wrote some Dashing jobs to be able to query some values from my InfluxDB database.
Reverse engineer Cubii elliptic bike BLE protocol

To use my dashboard, I wrote some Dashing jobs to be able to query some values from my InfluxDB database.
I recently discovered, which is an easy to use dashboard, which seems to fit my needs :
As I like to have plants at home but always forgot to water them, I bought a cheap resistive soil moisture sensor. Actually, it is just two strips of copper wired as a voltage divider with a 10k resistor, the IC is used as a comparator to have a “digital” output, with a threshold set by the trimpot.
I just picked up a mini PC (Fujitsu Q5030) and tried to install Linux on it but the CD reader is not to be reliable. So I used the boot over Ethernet function. As my DHCP server is on the modem of my internet provider, I had to plug directly the computer into my laptop and setup a PXE server.