As I did not found any help over the Internet on that subject but read that other people have this problem I publish here why the buttons of my cruise control were not working. I started one year ago when suddenly all the buttons were swapped: Minus was not working anymore Plus was acting as minus Pause was acting as plus As I was able to use it I did not do anything, considered that it was behind the airbag.

A friend of mine asked me for some help on an Akeru device: it is an Arduino + Sigfox modem.

After a few tinkering, we succeed to do what he wanted and share it: gather some sensor data and collect it in a PHP webpage. The Arduino code is quite easy thanks to the Akeru library, but Sigfox callback is a bit more tricky. The callback will be parsed by a PHP script on my friend’s server, but I also played a bit with it to able to use ioPush, my IoT logger/push notification server.